
Extra Curricular and Enrichment Activities

Extra Curricular and Enrichment Activities

We want our students to leave The Excelsior Academy having made exceptional academic progress and achieved great qualifications. We also want our students to leave as well-rounded individuals.

We aim to achieve this by encouraging our students to engage with the Big Question each week and attend a variety of extra curricular enrichment clubs.

Please click on the relevant tab below to find out more.

Each week, students are posed a different ‘Big Question’ which aims to develop their social, moral, spiritual, cultural, physical, and political awareness, alongside promoting literacy, reinforcing British values and encouraging their curiosity about the world around them. The Big Question foci are drawn from all curriculum subjects to get students to read about, reflect upon, and research the wide-ranging topical Big Questions.

Assemblies focus on the ‘Big Question’. These assemblies are designed to allow students to fully appreciate and grapple with the Big Question. There are also suggestions for enrichment activities that students can complete in their own time outside of school. Please see below for details of this week’s Big Question.

Please click on the link below for details of this week’s Big Question and ways you can explore this further. If you have any questions, please contact your Form Tutor.

Big Question 2024/25

School Clubs

Please see the link below for information about our extended enrichment clubs and activities. 

Extended Enrichment Activities List