Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG)

At The Excelsior Academy, we aim to offer an outstanding careers provision. Located in deprived inner-city London, our vision is to raise aspirations and equip all students with the confidence and skills needed to transcend the various barriers that exist in their immediate environments, and progress onto competitive post-16 & 18 destinations.

Through impressive connections, students will experience a dynamic and exciting careers programme that is supported by leading employers and education providers. The leadership, staff and governors at The Excelsior Academy are fully committed to the delivery of a high impact careers provision and recognise career learning to be an integral part of the curriculum.

Our careers programme is tailored to meet the eight Gatsby Benchmarks and all statutory requirements. More information on this can be found in our CEIAG Policy which also outlines our partnerships, staff roles and responsibilities and learning objectives by key stage. To validate the quality of our provision, we are working to achieve the prestigious Quality in Careers Standard award, licenced by Investor in Careers.

For any enquiries relating to our careers programme, please contact:

Ms. S. Begum 
Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Careers

Email -

Miss A. Mederick
Careers Leader

Email -

Telephone - 020 7275 1500 (ext 1567)

The information on this page will next be reviewed in January 2025

Careers Plan 2024/25

The Excelsior Academy CEIAG Policy and Provider Statement

Student Resources

This resource area is your one-stop destination for all the materials and information you need to navigate your journey towards a successful and fulfilling career. We understand that planning for your future as a young person can be both exciting and overwhelming, which is why we're here to provide you with the tools and guidance to help you make informed decisions and set a clear path for your career goals.

In this resource area, you'll find a variety of websites and documents full of information and activities that can be used to support your decision making. Whether it is GCSE options, post-16, or post-18, there is something useful for every stage.

Informed Choices : Choosing A-levels 

 A Guide to Personal Statement Writing

 A Guide to CV & Cover LettersBBC Bitesize Career Information Platform


Career Pilot

National Careers Service

National Apprenticeship Service




Careers In The Curriculum PPT

Steps after Year 13Apprenticeships GuideSteps after Year 11

Revision & Exam SupportTEA Post 16 Options HandbookTEA Apprenticeship Handbook

Careers Snapshots

Parent Carer Resources

We understand that as a parent, you play a crucial role in shaping your child's future, and we're here to provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to navigate the complex world of career guidance. In this resource area, the materials and information listed will support you to gain insight on different job sectors, and foster conversations with young people regarding career aspirations, goals, and educational choices.

Talking Futures

Career Pilot Parent Zone

Parents Guide To Apprenticeships

Supporting students with SEND

The resources in this section are useful for parents, educators, and professionals who are committed to helping SEND students achieve their career aspirations.

We understand the unique challenges that SEND students may face when it comes to career development, and these resources, coupled with others found on this page, will help you to ensure every SEND student can pursue a fulfilling and successful future.

Parental Guidance Org

National Careers Service

Labour Market Information (LMI)

Labour Market Information (LMI) is a useful tool to help research different jobs. Labour Market Information can include details such as descriptions of the role, routes into the role, salary information, skills and qualifications needed, etc. Fantastically, Labour Market Information can also predict the future and give insight into what kinds of jobs will be in demand in the years to come. Use of the tool 'LMI For All' will allow you to research different sectors and access their relevant labour market information.

We encourage students, parents, educators, and professionals to make use of labour market information.

LMI For All

Quality Assurance

In order to evaluate our Careers provision, we complete a termly Compass evaluation (arranged through The Careers & Enterprise Company), which provides information about how we are performing against the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Assessment completed March 2025. Next Assessment July 2025


A stable careers programme


Learning from career and labour market information


Addressing the needs of each pupil


Linking curriculum learning to careers


Encounters with employers and employees


Experiences of workplaces


Encounters with further and higher education


Personal guidance


Careers Information